Shito-ryu kata chat an yara kushanku pdf

However, his early books indicate that he may have had at least a passing familiarity with several others. Home news shitoryu kenzo mabuni soke syllabus kata branches affiliation. Shito, bassai sho shotokan, chatan yara no kushanku. Over 250 postspages have been published until today. Using that nomenclature, the kata of shito ryu karate are listed below. From this original practice comes many modern versions such kusankusho and kusankudai of shorin ryu, shiho kusanku of shito ryu, kankusho and kankudai of shotokan and various other interpretations including matsumura kusanku, chibana kusanku and kuniyoshi. Chatan yara are kata being arbitrarily reconfigured. International hayashiha shitoryu karatedo federation performed by sensei junko arai. Other advanced katas international hayashiha shitoryu. Katas practised in shitoryu kofukan organization itosu group pinan shodan godan, naihanchin shodan sandan, bassaidai, bassaisho, kosokundai, kosokunsho. Recently i talked about the chatan yara kusanku currently demonstrated at sports tournaments and that it is not the original kata.

Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Shihsan shih hsingkung hsinchieh means mental elucidation of the practice of thirteen postures and the alternative shihsan shih hsingkung kechieh means song of the practice of the. But what i am struggling with is how the kata came into the shitoryu style, as there seems to be almost half of another kata bolted on to the end of the shorinryus version. One theory on the origin of this kata suggests that tode sakugawa did not study directly with kushanku but rather learned the principles from chatan yara who was sakugawas teachers teacher. He is credited as having an influence on virtually all karatederived martial arts. Jion jitte gojyushiho jyuroku seisan shisouchin super rinpei matsukaze jiin language. I suspect it will be in reference to the shitoryu kata aoyagi seiryu. Overall, if you practice shito ryu karate, this is a very good and authentic handbook to help you practice and prepare your belt tests. In tommy morriss 1982 book shukokai karate kata shukokai having its roots in shitoryu when introducing seiryu kata he states. Chatan yara kushanku sensei tanzadeh shitoryu karate 8th dan, kyoshi. This kata was adopted and developed by okinawan karate men after it was brought to okinawa in 1761 by a chinese martial artist named kusanku. There is a popular shitoryu kata named chatanyara kushanku, a variant of the popular kushanku. Every single movement must be correct and quickly executed. Complete series of shito ryu kata book 3 japan karatedo federation shitokai on.

Pdf karatedo shito ryu une bibliographie, paris, kayogi. Dec 03, 2011 international hayashiha shito ryu karatedo federation chatanyara kushanku kata view this video and many more on. Due to this the original content of the kata kushanku was kept and taught on the line chatan yara kushanku. Annan a shito ryu kata that primarily uses open hand techniques. A shorin ryu kata performed in 3 directions the points of a triangle.

Seiryu is an unusual kata, in that it has a slightly different variation for lady practitioners. Katas practised in shito ryu kofukan organization itosu group pin an shodan godan, naihanchin shodan sandan, bassaidai, bassaisho, kosokundai, kosokunsho, shihokosokun, jitte, jiin. Kihon kata shodan nidan sandan basic forms 1, 2, and 3 as practiced in various heiwado dojo. The lost book of kushanku therefore is the evergreen classic of wang zongyue and his other teachings. Chatanyara kushanku vol6 advanced kata bunkai academy. Table of contents chapter1 page the history of karatedo in okinawa 2 tracing karatedos name 2. Soke inoue yoshimi teaching kata chatanyara kushanku seminar italy 20 duration. With the exception of minor stance and angle differences the versions are very similar until the shorinryu version ends and the shitoryu version carries on. The kata as we know and practice in kyokushin karate trace. This kata is the most magnificent and advanced kata of all matsubayashi ryu karate. In judging kata, one should know the basic kihon of the style of the performer as well as the principles the kata contains, the. International hayashiha shito ryu karatedo federation performed by sensei junko arai. He was thought to have resided and possibly studied. Nhesitez pas a vous y abonner ou a entrer ladresse dans vos favoris.

Principles of kata kata are a collection of movements designed to give the karateka practitioner of the art a series of techniques that can be practiced over time and remembered through repetition. Explanation of kata names as used in shitoryu kofukan. Sep 09, 2015 yara and sakugawa did not study under a man called kushanku they studied the writings called kushanku of a man called wang zong yue. Kusanku learned the art of chuan fa in china from a shaolin monk. Chatanyara kushanku international hayashiha shitoryu. He was thought to have resided and possibly studied m. Biography edit according to most accounts, yara s parents sent him to china at the age of 12 under the advice of his uncle to study the chinese language and the martial arts. Another student of kushanku was sakugawa kanga 17331815, also known under the name tode sakugawa. Histoire du karate et du style shitoryu, philosophie, kata. Pdf publication numerique find, read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. There is a popular shito ryu kata named chatanyara kushanku, a varient of the popular kushanku family of katas.

The kata chatan yara kusanku performed by rika usami of japan at paris open 2012. Kusanku or kushanku, also known as kwang shang fu, was a chinese martial artist who lived during the 18th century. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Kata are used in many traditional japanese arts, such as theater forms like kabuki and schools of tea ceremony chado, but are most commonly known through the martial arts. Chatan yara also known as yara guwa, ueekata, and yomitan yara, is credited with being one. Noted shito ryu instructor and researcher toshihisa sofue discusses the theory that passai was developed as a leadin to kushanku kata, by citing that most of the shuri styles of karatedo today teach the pinan, naifuanchi and passai before entering into the study of kushanku sofue, 1999.

The ekw guide to kushanku and naihanchi kata karate east. Karate female team kata bronze medal serbia vs italy wkf world championships belgrade 2010 12 duration. When performed effectively, a kata looks somewhat like a choreographed dance. Complete series of shito ryu kata book 3 budovideos inc. Kosokun dai kosokun is the rank of a chinese envoy who visited okinawa and showed some chinese martial arts. Calgary chito ryu karate club history of chito ryu katas. Pdf karatedo shito ryu une bibliographie, paris, kayogi france. On october 10, 1969, a national special invitational kata demonstration was presented at the nippon budokan in tokyo.

In shito ryu, the kata are divided into two major lines, itosuke and higaonnake. Kata shitoryu international karate do kai official website. Pinan 15 heian naihanchi naifanchi, tekki kushanku kanku passai bassai seisan hangetsu wanshu enpi chinto gankaku jitte jitte jion. Complete series of shito ryu kata book 1 budovideos inc.

Chatan yara became as the inner student uchi deshi successor of kushanku and received the menkyo kaiden. It is also the longest and most difficult kata, requiring painstaking practice for more than a decade for mastery. Damian quintero of spain performing kata chatanyara kushanku. So he understood the kata he learned from kushanku in its full depth. Orgerus karate do karate shitoryu selfdefense, aero. This kata places the shifting of the body as its main objective. Tsuchi meaning earth or soil literally translated, kata means shape which cuts the ground. Pinan nida n, shihoz uki jo dan, ge dan, jun i no kat a ichiban gedan. The original form of the kata, the kuniyoshi no kushanku is taught in matsubayashi ryu. These fundamental style kata form the basis for understanding and judging kata on the international level. In a 1999 article the arbitrary modification of chatan yara kusanku and kata were adressed by two old boys top officials of the jkf.